Dream in 3D

BlenderKit is an extensive 3D asset library seamlessly integrated into Blender 3D.

The ever-growing database includes 3D models, materials, brushes, scenes, HDRIs, node groups, and Blender add-ons.

More than anything, BlenderKit is a community.

Founded in the spirit of open-source, BlenderKit is available for free. With a Full Plan subscription, users support BlenderKit creators and open-source development, while enjoying access to the full database.

Enjoy 39,417 free models, materials, HDRIs & more

Everything in the database is licensed for commercial and non-commercial use.

Currently, there are 76,856 assets in the library and it expands daily. Even better, 51% of the assets are FREE.

BlenderKit Isometric scene with Ukraine flag

Support open-source

By subscribing to Full Plan, you make a difference.

Your monthly fee will be redistributed among our creators, based on asset score.

Additionally, 5% of it will go to open-source development. We send €2500 monthly to the Blender Development Fund.

BlenderKit fair share isometric scene