Fair Share 🔗
BlenderKit is innovative not only as an add-on, but also as a business model.
The way we redistribute money from subscriptions is simple, but it involves a bit of math, which we'll try to explain:
If a Full Plan user pays, for example, $10, we get this amount minus the transaction fee (and in some cases an affiliate share - see our Affiliate Program). Let's say that we got $9- this equals 9 credits.
Redistribution 🔗
At the end of each month, a redistribution takes place. First, the scores of all the assets that a user has downloaded (It doesn't matter if they are from Free or Full Plan) are added up. The score of each asset is determined by the following rating formula:
score = median complexity × average quality
The credits are then distributed according to the corresponding ratios:
Suppose a user downloads two assets - One with a score of 100 and the other with a score of 200. The sum of the scores for these assets is 300. The calculation for this first user is (10 credits/300)*100
, which equals 3 credits.
The earned credits are divided in the following way: 70% goes to the creator, 25% goes to BlenderKit and 5% goes to open-source development.
Benefits of this system 🔗
Our system provides benefits to both users and creators:
For users, it means true freedom to create - after paying, they don't have to worry about anything and don't need to limit their creative outlet.
For creators, there are several advantages:
Instead of individual sales, the creator can participate in a subscription system, which is more attractive for the user.
The income is not one-off, but stable in the long term. Although individual transactions are orders of magnitude smaller than typical single asset sales, the number of subscribers makes our creators' results comparable to other marketplaces, or even better.
If users use your asset again in a new scene or month, the download will be counted again in the redistribution. Redistributions thus better reflect the real usefulness of your creation.
Users like to buy complete solutions - large asset packages that are hard to create for individuals. At BlenderKit, we all work together to create the best asset pack ever.
Price and distribution
We change the subscription price from time to time. As the size of the database increases, we have to increase the price gradually. However, we want to be accessible to as many users as possible. We therefor offer regular discounts, which allow us to increase the number of subscribers and get more funds to you, our creators.