Contacting us 🔗

As you know, we are a very small team. Therefore we don’t have the capacity to answer questions about using Blender. We recommend having a look at the Blender manual.

If you have any inquiries regarding BlenderKit, we do our best to offer solutions online. Find answers and resources on our Frequently Asked Questions pages:

Creators FAQ

Users FAQ


Licensing FAQ

Found a Bug? 🔗

Please report add-on bugs on our GitHub page.

If you have payment issues or problems with our website, please contact us directly.

Report add-on bug on GitHub

If you didn’t find the answers you were looking for, please contact us.

Blender Kit s.r.o., Ladova 2044/3, Nové Město, 128 00 Prague, Czech republic

VAT ID: CZ07549946