Discover the unique “Little Shmoo Clock”, inspired by the creative designs of renowned Canadian furniture designer Judson Beaumont. This clock is a work of art that blurs the lines between design and imagination. The “Little Shmoo Clock” is characterized by its anthropomorphic shape, reminiscent of a character from another world. With its traditional dial representing the head and protruding elements reminiscent of ears or horns, this clock brings personality to any room. The special thing about this 3D model is its adaptability. By using a control curve in Blender, you can change the shape of the clock as you wish. Whether you want to stretch it, compress it or give it a completely new shape - the possibilities are endless! This model is a tribute to Judson Beaumont and his ability to transform everyday objects into extraordinary works of art. With the “Little Shmoo Clock” you can bring some of that creativity into your own projects. I hope you have fun with the Blender model and may your scenes be successful.