“A cartridge box with a belt and buckle from Prussia in 1814. The term ‘cartridge box’ refers to a box that held cartridges or charges for muskets or other firearms. They were called ‘cartridge boxes’ instead of ‘ammunition boxes’ because the term ‘ammunition’ was not commonly used in this context at that time; ‘cartridge’ refers more specifically to the paper cartridge which held a pre-measured amount of gunpowder and typically, a ball.” In English, both “cartridge” and “ammunition” are used to refer to the material fired from firearms. However, in the context of the 19th century , “cartridge” is a more specific term. It refers to a pre-measured unit of gunpowder and a ball, typically wrapped in paper. This is why the box is called a “cartridge box” and not an “ammunition box”. The term “ammunition” is broader and can refer to any material that can be used in combat, including bombs, missiles, warheads, and mines, in addition to cartridges.The belt is a Blender curve and can be adjusted as desired. Please note that this is not Nazi equipment but rather much older equipment from the time of the Napoleonic Wars. I hope you have fun with the Blender model and that your scenes are authentic.